Posts Categorized: Rustic Furniture

Spotlight on a Rustic Canopy Bed

La Lune Collection Canopy Bed #4278

No self-respecting parent would admit to having a favorite child – and so it is with us at La Lune Collection. While we love all of our beautiful rustic bed “children” equally, there does seem to be a clear fan favorite in the collection – namely, Canopy Bed #4276-#4282. An unquestionable masterpiece, the graceful, free-form lines of… Read more »

We’re Seeing Red at La Lune Collection!

It was iconic designer Bill Blass who coined the phrase “When in doubt – wear red.” At La Lune Collection, we’re pretty sure Mr. Blass was on to something – without doubt red is a strong and confident color, and best of all, nearly every piece of La Lune Collection furniture looks categorically stunning in red…. Read more »

Alfresco Dining à La Lune

It’s certainly no secret that we’re big fans of outdoor entertaining – and in particular alfresco dining – here at La Lune Collection. Whether it’s dinner on the deck with friends, or cool refreshments in a screened porch nook with family members, we believe in making the most of the warm weather while it lasts….. Read more »

Upholstered Beds by La Lune – Guaranteed to Bring Sweet Dreams!

The perfect bedroom is more than just a place to rest, and there aren’t many things that generate a desired sense of tranquility like the elegant comfort of an upholstered bed. The feel of fabric on a headboard is soft and cozy – and also solves the problem of trying to position pillows in “just the right… Read more »

Rock On! Making a Design Statement with Rustic Rocking Chairs.

Well, who doesn’t love a rocking chair?  While the earliest rocking chairs can trace their origins to North America and England in the early 18th century, today there is truly a rocking chair style for everyone. Not many furniture pieces can create as much of a sense of total relaxation as rocking chairs do, and the added bonus… Read more »

La Lune Writes… National Haiku Day is on April 17th

We love holidays at La Lune Collection – the anticipation, the preparation, the celebration – but we admit to having a special fondness for the quirky, offbeat holidays. Enter National Haiku Day! This special day is celebrated on April 17th, and according to the Haiku Foundation it was “registered by Sari Grandstaff in 2007 and implemented as… Read more »

It’s Spring! Time to Come Outdoors With La Lune Collection.

Have you noticed? Robins are intently poking the ground in search of a tasty worm breakfast, eager crocus buds are peeking up through the still cold black earth, and temperate breezes are wafting through our front porches, beckoning us outside. Yes, Spring is officially here, bringing thoughts of outdoor spaces adorned with beautiful furniture from… Read more »