Not long ago we added an updated photo of the beautiful Deacon’s Bench #1149 to our website – which then led us to wonder “where in the world did the Deacon’s Bench get its name?” This immediately sent us into research mode, and after a little digging we happened upon a bit of interesting history which we are happy to share!
It’s widely known that some religious institutions identify certain respected church “elders”, or “deacons” of the congregation. Essentially, these are non-ordained lay people who assist the pastor, rector, or priest of the church – as the case may be – with his or her various spiritual duties.
It seems that at some point in our country’s early history it became customary for a simple bench with an upright back to be set aside in the sanctuary for ONLY the deacons to sit upon. Often set at a 90 degree angle to the pulpit or lectern, this bench was used by the deacons during services and for special church functions. Naturally, the bench came to be known as the Deacon’s Bench – and so the term stuck – and subsequently wooden benches with very high and straight backs are today referred to as Deacon’s Benches and are now often used at entry points in a home.
La Lune Collection’s Deacon’s Bench #1149 is indeed a beautiful example of this historically significant furniture design.
Interested in seeing more beautiful rustic benches? Check out La Lune Collection’s wide assortment of rustic benches, in addition to the Deacon’s Bench, including Rustic Benches #1112, #1147, #1300 – and many more.