After you’ve picked just the right dining table, how will you decide which rustic dining chairs will be the perfect accompaniments to it? Certainly there are even more chair choices available than tables, and finding the right match for your table and your lifestyle is an important decision.
Side Chairs or Arm Chairs? Although customary to place arm chairs at the head of the table and side chairs on the sides, depending on your space -visually or actual – it’s really quite acceptable to use all side chairs or all arm chairs at your table.
Another consideration is whether to opt for “open” back or upholstered back chairs. Whereas a smaller space might recommend itself to a more delicate, open style chair, a large space would welcome larger, more defined shapes. And, mixing upholstered-back and open-back rustic chairs creates design interest at your dining table – why not use two upholstered-back chairs anchoring the ends of the table with open-back chairs lining the sides?
La Lune Collection offers a wide range of dining chairs for every rustic dining setting imaginable. One of our favorite dining rooms – shown here from SCW Interiors – beautifully integrates La Lune Collection Side Chairs #1400 and was showcased in Traditional Home Magazine.